
Sacrifice is defined as:
An act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy: e.g. ‘we must all be prepared to make sacrifices.’ (1)

Sacrifice is an old fashioned idea.  We associate it with punitive self-deprivation. It is a concept associated with misery and joylessness. However, the truth is that sacrifice is a natural phenomenon.  We can’t really have anything unless we are willing to sacrifice something else.

If you plant a seed in the ground, a tree will become manifest from that seed. The seed sacrifices itself to the tree that will come from it. The seed is outwardly lost, destroyed; but the same seed which is sacrificed will be absorbed and embodied in the tree, its blossoms, fruit and branches. (2)

There can be no change without sacrifice, therefore, sacrifice is an agent of change.



Photograph – Sunflower – U.S. National Archives’ Local Identifier: 412-DA-2097.  Photographer: Reaves, Bill, 1934-
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(1) Online Oxford Dictionary

(2) ‘Abdu’l-Bahá – Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 470


  1. Thanks, Patricia. Love the graphic.

    There is no one-size-fits-all life. No one can “have it all.” Every choice we make precludes other choices. We alone must decide where our priorities lie.

    If we give up what we don’t want . . . for what we do . . . it’s not a sacrifice.

    Too many people sacrifice happiness they could have today, in exchange for happiness they hope to have tomorrow. Sadly, tomorrow may never arrive.

    Look deep. The answers lie within . . .

    1. I completely agree, Nancy, and it’s a difficult subject and hard to balance – maybe if we see it as an agent of change rather just a deferral of gratification we can learn to live in the now? Thanks.

    2. Another tip is to focus on WHAT we’re getting (e.g., a slimmer healthier body) rather than what we’re GIVING UP (a 2nd piece of cake).

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